When you first started your business, your brand voice might have been minuscule. But, since you've been in business for a while, it's time to take a closer look at how you can attract a more targeted and broader audience.
Imagine this scenario: Jim just created his online investment app platform but has no brand voice. He has a basic landing page with no compelling copy. He asks himself, "I do not understand. I have a beautiful website, great content (or what it seems like), an amazing service/product yet barely any conversions or click-through rate."
Here is the rundown: "Content attracts readers to take action, and copy helps generate more revenue for your business."
Envision transforming your business for the better or start your business off on the right foot.
There are two essential members you are missing from your team. That is an exceptional financial content writer and copywriter.
Conveying Specialized Knowledge is Key
Even if your business is not centered around investing, personal finance, loans, debt, taxes, or accounting basics, these topics are critical to people's lives.
Having a knowledgeable writer on targeted topics can bring in more sales and traffic to your business. However, more importantly, the subjects can educate people on a higher level.
The primary key is adding value in such a powerful way.
You want your investment or tax firm to be the dominant one in the space. But how do you solidify your presence? How can you attract the best of the best clients or traffic?
Make your business successful by using not just eloquent writing but providing concise and compelling copy that converts.
Speaking from a position with authority, or knowing what you are talking about, can tell the reader that you are trustworthy and convincing on the subject matter.
Effective Communication
Do you have impeccable ideas for your business but can't seem to have your brand voice shine?
Leave the implementation to a copywriter who can effectively communicate those ideas into the actionable copy.
Someone who can hook the reader within 5-10 seconds can skyrocket your brand.
Leg Up Against Competition
The financial industry, in particular, is a highly competitive world. So to stand out from the thousands of other businesses, you need solid content to stand out from the crowd.
Many companies have poorly written content that makes the reader lose interest in less than 5 seconds!
As David Ogilvy says, "If it doesn't sell, it isn't creative." You now know what's needed for your copy to sell, get massive clicks, and convert visitors into customers.
Tone of Voice
Are you more comfortable writing in the past or present tense? Or would you instead convey your business in the first, second, or third person?
Making the wrong decision about your business's tone of voice can cause your copy to sound awkward.
A sufficient copywriter can create new content that complements your material by analyzing your already written content.
Your business is only one step away from providing quality value as well as an increase in sales.